Category: Sex

Perfect Little Lady

Unquenchable urge to run, play, fall and always be late

Baptismal mud, scraped knees and palms

Joyful little warrior child … cautious at home’s tricky door

Chuckles, disapproving glares, authoritative bellows

Domestic minefield has been traversed – go bathe 

No dolls, tea set or princess garb – bathwater is getting chocolate brown

Is wearing dress or skirt required in real world – specialized rules will apply

Self-ruler years pass, a plethora of debt is somewhat transferred and paid

Quite fierce Harley to work – Senate Floor … Blessed afterwards kickboxing poor sizeable victim

From Me To You

This is not a solution. This is an exhale. Just an attempt to be honest. I see your apprehension already.

Yes. You are correct and I said it. Uppity liberal know-it-all and disrespects,
dismisses and dissolves a people. They eat no more dust than I do.

Tailored and raggedy garments still contain Americans. We all need to respect the inner us – respect not like.

No abortions? Fine. Make all men celibate until the day they marry via the law. Full-time morality or no freedom.

Apply death penalty for incest and pedophilia, all physical abuse to minors and the disabled.

Keep your firearms? Fine. Death penalty for every parent or guardian guilty of neglect in child or mentally unstable related shooting.

Make every CEO, broker and financial provider involved in a Wall St schemes lose all assets and serve hard time in a real prison for minimum 25 years.

If we want jobs in America then BUY AMERICAN! It cost more , but .. so what! Americans will be employed. Outlaw Wal-Mart, Target and all the discount stores!

You want immigrants to leave? Then I guess you want their money to leave as well. 11 million phony social security numbers collecting taxes from workers that will never get paid back. That money goes to you and your disabled children.

My Mexican mother told me there must always be a price to pay when you get what you want. She also told me not to judge.

There are poor, middle class, rich and super wealthy. An ignorant or immoral person can exist in any one of those classes.

Do you want better education? Good. It begins with turning off the TV, going to the library for history books and talking to your kids for at least an hour per day.

No more Pokemon, Game of Thrones, Xbox and iPhones when you don’t own a car, have beer in the fridge and No Damn Job! I’m sorry but it needs to be said.

Abundantly Nothing

Let us forget our aged bodies
Shall we try another realm, angle or sphere?
Avert your adventurous eyes and lie, lie, lie
Summon a Rod Serling themed spiritual guide
Inhale intensified, mystical gyrations – on another’s skin
Phantom muscles contract, release, explode into void
Nothing and everything happened in a lovely corner
How kind is your motionless rapture, names are blissfully vacant

Safely Within

Vile monster begins a journey
Craw through skin to crippled brain
Wrongfully exquisite carnal cells – scatter, scatter
Eviction so unlawful – work new angle
Blessed fornication upon no one’s bed
No heated skin, no pounding heart
No lover or lover’s passionate utterances
Nothing at all – in the physical realm
All glorious hedonistic endeavors – safely within

Strange Inhalation

Cemented, voiceless little speck awaits
Resenting white, shiny lovely prudence
Crooked grin says, reject righteous way
Coveting anxiously a forced scenario
On cue, obliging creature appears – with useful gift
Glares as soft as gravel on prison-bound road
Amused grasp takes a minor breath
No resistance, death or life
Simply mischievous prisoners remain
Naturally breathing through porous skin and mouths

Fortunately Wronged

A plethora of laughable apologies
Though no wrong was ever done
Glaring eyes birthed from rubenesque form
Add the pouty mouth – speaking only truth
Honestly seeking decadent sustenance
Forgive and mockingly repeat – still undulating lifeform is coveted
Ambassador of yes will maim all detestable nos
Riders of the fence will utter fat and slutty whore
From there comes an ostentatious shriek filled with gluttony – reaffirming good things
Freedom is not for all – some prefer personal dungeon

Willing Consumption

Ancient scents stubbornly bonded to waning present
Eternally supple undulating creatures – self announced
Treasured sirens plot passively, precisely
Exquisitely cruel are the takings and yet subtle
No love, nor like is factored in
Depravity in circular symphony restores more
Heightens then murders glorious senses
No subterfuge on either side in wrongful deeds

Educated Air

This sin has no form
It invades the air in whispering screams
Inciting incessantly old and young bodies
To fly into melodic frenzy wholeheartedly
Journey elsewhere – while still infected
Sinister carnage behind cordial face
Ruin and end the willing – gratefully willing
This sin has no form – only lovely teeth

Willingly submitting to monetary demand
Succumb if suggested to even more
Reach with fierce hands, arms – yes, yes please
Precious rock demigod sweat – baptize mortal beings
Swim in rasp, riffs and growls of genius
Wanton skin feels front man’s power
Not in a lover’s space or temporal way
Ogling recklessly, freely – targeting stage ruler
Succubus eyes, blessed treasured gift
Blown kiss and naughty wink released
Thus hedonistic marriage in fan’s dream


Piquing of flirty interest

Genesis of more seeps into mind

Happily annoyed eyes and mouth

Look towards a could-be path 

Restrained smile – maybe carnal win

Touch of cowardice – damn hesitation

Coquettish siren is departing – no matter 

Husband claimed her before your looks