Tag Archive: recklessness

Proper this –  human leech

And prudent that – boring, sterile 

Evict them both right now

Don every inappropriate thought

Talk? No, only shout too loud

Declare in thunderous voice

All pallid empty heads are dead

Lets slay a few timid dragons

Then slaughter the horrid brave

Rebellion will exsanguinate

Placid spirit air – we will breathe

Lofty endeavors incite chuckles

And nothing more than fatigue

Temperate solace shields all again



Eternally the prudent, logical one

How awful it is to be right

Take walks on a social tightrope

Damn right, without the net

Inappropriately wade through

Some sacred fountains

Laugh whole heartedly

At some poor Irishman’s wake

Hop a train to somewhere

With not a dime to your name

Rely on your wits and smile

If they fail, try your bountiful curves

The mere hint of your godless assets

Is enough to open many doors

How good it is to be wrong

Says the maniacal, poetic usurper

Be cautious, as I flippantly instruct you



Amongst adult responsibilities

Lies a slight longing to be careless

Reach back to days of frivolity

Exquisitely laced in recklessness

Do you see that young, wild you?

Dancing with the whole of curvaceous body

Powered by will of a crazed heart

Don’t bury ‘that’ you, bring her out again