Tag Archive: manic episode


Alone, engulfed in all that you mean

Like demonic song from a rabid cat

Try, then try harder to hear – no understanding

Please forgive my dull impotent efforts

Tearful cackles rise up from skin-covered psyche

End the aching bones and nerves, shout I  the groveler

Utter my name inept negotiator – whispers worthless, faceless

Shattering innards’ mirrors – only the warped ones

It’s me! Dear God, I am marred! A guilty gasp.

Take a profound breath –  It’s me who is bravely altered




Proper this –  human leech

And prudent that – boring, sterile 

Evict them both right now

Don every inappropriate thought

Talk? No, only shout too loud

Declare in thunderous voice

All pallid empty heads are dead

Lets slay a few timid dragons

Then slaughter the horrid brave

Rebellion will exsanguinate

Placid spirit air – we will breathe

Lofty endeavors incite chuckles

And nothing more than fatigue

Temperate solace shields all again




Above and below a thing called skin

An aching, a pain

A quiet, manic sadness

So used to it, but loathe it

Rush to isle of solace – a little refuge

Husbandly nape of neck

Subtle scents arise

Noble savior’s neck – receives bipolar kiss




Obediently medicated per MD

Using all my coping skills

Loathing is frantically bubbling

I am stable boredom incarnate!

Frida’s corrupted spine, dead baby

and Diego’s wandering member

Small framed pain and twisted life

Beautifully, grotesquely ruins me

Kahlo’s artistic corpse laughs

and refuses to engulf a pleading me

Lunacy, nonetheless, was a nice visit


Ethereal Mania

Dear Lord, I beseech you

Knowing I am far beneath you

Have pity on my fractured soul

Driven by demon tentacles

In troubled brain, I lost control

See the tempest on my face

Throughout life my pain endures

O God, I’m not worthy to address you

Still bless me with a little mercy

This bipolar fears of going to hell




Singular Debate

Go on and run, run away

Away from the good and safe

Straight to soulless sky

Hear no more painful ‘I love you’

Ringing in your guilty ears

Feel no more promising embraces

That don’t belong to you

Your manic mind loves this

Why trust this crazed hyper truth

It feels damn good and real

Replacing medicated skin

Oh God, damn feelings coming

Go home in failed tears and try again

Jimmy Choo shoes? A definite maybe

Free drinks? Nothing’s free baby

Gas bill? Can wait a while more …

Louis Vuitton Limited Edition handbag on sale!?

Or pay rent 2 months in arrears?

So what? I’d love to move again anyway!

Hell! Mr. Repo man found my car!

Screw the world! My LV handbag is all I need

Is this bipolar, flighty or just plain crazy?

Doggerel Cafe

Microscopic bits of a you-and-me sea

Dying quietly – free of fanfare

Let us be food stuff for the seen and unseen

Living – a silly state of conscienceness

Selfishly consume the food, drink and air of day

Caution – the small see all things relevent or not

Acknowledge – the large worship only their massiveness

Loathing both, all and myself – I take my leave



Centered in a sea housed tempest

Seeking a calmer me

Beaten and battered by manic forces

My skin finds it liberating

Then finds it wretched

Keep seeking for a sane me

In medicated waters

I joyfully swim and require no rescuing

Bipolar Battle

Flawed skin is on fire, beneath the surface

Depressed brain doesn’t care

Moments pass in slow motion

Why are thoughts unsheathed like a dagger?

Crazed me wants to know

Fear of something or nothing envelopes

Next anger abruptly explodes

Sacred tears escape useless eyes

To cut or not becomes option

For now, the thought of cutting is enough